We have a very popular school Facebook page which has lots of information and photos on so please check it out. We have many events taking place in school and we share photos whenever we can. It’s also great to see what children and families get up to at home so please send in achievements and photos so we can share them with our wonderful school community here at Lees.
Pastoral care we offer in school
The mental health of our children is our priority. We offer a range of support for our families including providing information on external support services in our local area and nurture sessions. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact Mrs. Sharrock to arrange a meeting to go through the services we can offer you.
Local support resources and information for parents
SEND resources
BEAT (Bradford Early Advice Team): support for families whose child/young person is on the waiting list for a neurodiversity assessment.
Telephone number: 01535 661275, E-mail: info@aware-uk.org, Website: https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk/service/1444-bradford-early-advice-team-beat
AWARE (Airedale and Wharfedale autism resource) AWARE is a parent-run group supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required).
Telephone number: 07826 926 150, 01535 661275, Email: info@aware-uk.org, website: https://aware-uk.org/
Bradford local offer: The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) 0-25 and their parents or carers information about what activities, services and support is available across education, health and social care (Inc. voluntary sector) in the area where you live. Website: https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk/services
Local Childminders in Cross Roads