Lees Primary School

Putting Children First

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

Welcome to Year 5 2023-2024. We are the Tiger Class. 

Mrs Tillotson is the class teacher and Mrs Marshall provides learning support everyday. 

Here are some memories of our amazing adventures in Whitby.

Science Week was themed around time and being scientists investigating the properties of bubbles.

World Book Day 2024.

A premier league football stars quiz and reading fun with our reception buddies.

Number day 2024. Using sweets really brought our learning to life.  Everyone tackled some tricky fractions problems, which helped cement our learning.

A fantastic art day focussing on textiles.

We have worked hard to create sea side collages.

Everyone thought about what colours, textures and shapes to choose to represent different seaside features.  They thought about different ways of holding and fixing fabrics: using pins, wonder-web, fabric glue and sewing.  To add detail to our collages we added detailed stitches and fabric pen.

Great work with the iron everyone -  great to see you all using the safety aspect of your SCARF.

Our topic for Spring 1 is based on Coastlines - specifically focusing on Whitby.  We will be studying Room 13 in English.  Our science is Animals including humans.

Today, Year 5 have had a PSHE day delivered by the Anne Frank Trust to help us understand more about homophobia and Islamophobia.  This really helped us to challenge and question perceptions and know how to stand up for what is right.

An amazing day for Year 5 - In the Woods.  We have all had lots of fun: getting muddy; working on our team work skills to build shelters; building confidence when having a go at axe throwing; and remembering to be safe at all times.  I was really proud that everyone remembered to wear their SCARF at all times.

To enhance our learning of British Parliament Week, we were lucky enough to have a visit from our local MP - Robbie Moore.  We asked some amazing questions and learnt lots about how our political system works and what it like to be a representative of our democracy as an MP.

We have been working Scientifically today, to try and understand how our Solar System works.  We used different sized fruits to represent the difference in sizes of the planets.  We then measured (to scale) the distance between the planets and from the sun.

Today has been our first Art Day of the year - this time based on autumn leaves.

We have had our first go at screen printing.  This was great fun and we have really developed a new skill.  Everyone worked hard to develop their cutting skills, firstly using  scissors accurately but then having a go at using craft knives to cut stencils out of acetate.  Everyone worked really hard and we have produced some excellent pieces.

We're all ready for a fantastic new topic on Earth and Space.  This incorporates both our Science and Topic lessons.  We will learn about the history of space study and focus on some super scientists looking at famous, ground breaking astronauts and cosmonauts.

We spent the afternoon completing a geography based scavenger hunt in Cross Roads park.  We had great fun and made sure that we wore our scarfs at all time.  

We've had a fantastic Well-being day doing lots of different activities.


Welcome to Year 5, we have an exciting year planned for everyone this year with some fantastic topics.  


We are starting the year with a history topic looking at the Romans and how they have influenced Britain: this runs through both our topic and English texts.  Our science is full of investigations this half term all based around forces and how they work.  We are excited to be doing an art sculpture project, building a portrait out of wire using Hannah Hoch and Alexander Calder as inspirational artists.


We can not wait to learn lots of exciting new things this year and getting to know each other.


Year 5 buddies with Reception

Year 5 have really shown their maturity in the ways that they have risen to the challenge of being a class buddy.  For the first week they have met with their buddies every day, showing them how to wash their hands, get their lunches and eat at the table with everyone.  They have also taken their buddies to assembly and sat with them to set an example.  They have done fantastically and have been a pleasure to watch. Well done Year 5!

We have settled well into life in Year 5.  We have been doing some exciting experiments in Science and have started an art project based on portraits.