Lees Primary School

Putting Children First

Part of Bronte Academy Trust



In Year Transfers


Bradford Education and Learning Admissions administer all in year transfers on our behalf.  However, if you would like to visit to look around our school and have an informal discussion, please telephone school for an appointment - 01535 643320.  If you wish to make an In-Year Transfer, please contact Bradford School Admissions at Education and Learning ,their contact phone number is 01274 385967.  They will advise and provide more information regarding admission arrangements.


Admissions to Nursery Class

We will shortly be starting the process of Nursery allocations for our September intake.   If you haven't already and would like to add your child to the admissions list or have any questions regarding the admissions process please contact school on 01535 643320, email: nursery.lees@bronteacademytrust.org.uk or fill out the form below.


Admission to Reception Class - September each year


Education and Learning issue an application pack each year around November time to parents of children who will be aged 5 during the next academic year, ready to start school the following September.   If you would like to leave your details with us so that we can contact you when you are due to apply for your child to start school - please phone us on 01535 643320 or email the school office at office.lees@bronteacademytrust.org.uk


Our Planned Admission Number is 30 per year group.  For further information about procedure, selection criteria, over subscription criteria and priority applications, please follow the link below:



Click here for our school Admissions and Attendance Policy


Nursery Expression of Interest Form